Mitsubishi Outlander manuals

Mitsubishi Outlander: Vehicle weight

In case of trailer towing

In case of trailer towing


● Trailer specifications indicate the manufacturer’s recommendation.


 Engine specifications

 Electrical system

 Tyres and wheels

Optional equipment.


 Cylinder Head Gasket

REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Pre-removal operation Fuel Line Pressure Reduction Engine Room Under Cover Front B and Engine Room Side Cover (RH) Removal Engine Coolant Draining Air Cleaner Assembly Removal Ignition Coil Removal Strut Tower Bar Removal Exhaust Manifold Removal Throttle Bod

 On-vehicle Service

CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENT PART CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM ESSENTIAL SERVICE TRANSMISSION FLUID CHECK CAUTION Replace the transmission fluid whenever the transaxle is replaced with a new one or the vehicle is driven in harsh conditions. 1. Drive the vehicle until the transmission fluid is warmed up t

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