Mitsubishi Outlander manuals

Mitsubishi Outlander: Vehicle performance

Vehicle weight


 Vehicle weight

In case of trailer towing NOTE: ● Trailer specifications indicate the manufacturer’s recommendation.

 Engine specifications

 Electrical system


 Symptom Procedures

Inspection Procedure 1: TCM cannot communication with scan tool. TCM POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT SYMPTOMS TCM cannot be turned ON. PROBABLE CAUSES Damaged wiring harness and connectors Malfunction of TCM DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE STEP 1. Check the following connector: A-18X CVT control relay connector C

 Parking Brakes

General Information The mechanical rear-wheel acting type parking brake is adopted, and a parking brake lever is used for that operation. CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM <2.4L Engine: 5 persons seat> <2.4L Engine: 7 persons seat, 3.0L Engine> Service Specifications Parking Brake Diagnosis INTRODU

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