Mitsubishi Outlander manuals

Mitsubishi Outlander: Vehicle dimensions

Vehicle performance


 Vehicle performance

 Vehicle weight

In case of trailer towing NOTE: ● Trailer specifications indicate the manufacturer’s recommendation.

 Engine specifications


 Wiper deicer switch

The rear window demister switch can be operated when the engine is running. When the front wipers have frozen to the windscreen at the parked positions, turning on this switch will heat the windscreen to make the wipers operable. Press the switch and the deicer will operate and turn on the in

 Door Diagnosis

INTRODUCTION TO GLASS AND DOOR DIAGNOSIS Glass and door faults include water leaks and improper opening and closing. Causes for these faults can include faults in the glass, weatherstrip, drain hole or door installation. GLASS AND DOOR DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLESHOOTING STRATEGY Use these steps to plan you

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