Mitsubishi Outlander manuals

Mitsubishi Outlander: Engine


 Engine Mechanical - 2.4L Engine

General Information The 4B12 (2.4 L) engine is an in-line four-cylinder engine. The cylinder numbers are assigned as 1-2-3-4 from the front of the engine (timing belt side). The firing order is 1-3-4

 On-vehicle Service

DRIVE BELT TENSION CHECK 1. Remove the radiator condenser tank mounting bolt, and move the radiator condenser tank to a place where it does not interfere with the drive belt tension check. CAUTION Ch

 Crankshaft Pulley

REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Pre-removal operation Engine Room Under Cover Front B and Engine Room Side Cover (RH) Removal. Post-installation operation Drive Belt Tension Check. Engine Room Under C


 Power steering system

When the engine is stopped, the power steering system will not function and it will require greater manual effort to operate the steering wheel. Keep this in mind in particular when towing the vehicle. Never turn off the engine while driving. Periodically check the power steering fluid level.

 DTC B2412, B2413, B2415, B2416, C1608, C1900, C1901, C1910, C1920, C1930, C1940, C1911, C1921, C1931, C1941, C1912, C1922, C1932, C1942, C1913, C1923, C1933, C1943, C1914, C1924, C1934, C1944

DTC B2412 Antenna power voltage CAUTION If diagnostic trouble code No. B2412 is set, diagnose the CAN bus lines. When replacing the ECU, always check that the communication circuit is normal. Antenna Assembly Circuit DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION If KOS-ECU detects an abnormality in power supply of t

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